About Mesmo
Iss & Mica Gomes founded Mesmo from a shared desire for exclusivity, durability, and high-quality products with a unique fit and that also reflect personal identity.
Mica, with a background in architecture, refined his design skills through years of creating functional, aesthetically pleasing structures. Meanwhile, Iss brought expertise in marketing and graphic design, blending creativity with strategy.
Together, they set out to create a brand that not only stands for craftsmanship and quality but also represents individuality, allowing their customers to feel seen and empowered through what they wear.
“Mesmo means the same. Besides that Mesmo refers to us as twins, the word has a deeper meaning. Mesmo stands for always staying the same since day one, your purest form.”
The diamond - which symbolises purity - is therefore key in Mesmo's logo and aesthetic of its creations. “Our creations ignite a sense of protection and safety. We protect our diamonds (community) in the dust while creating a safe space in which they are not afraid to shine.”
Iss & Mica Gomes
Founders & Creative Directors Mesmo